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Thursday 17 November 2011

Poster development

For my film poster i have decided to use a black background as it falls well with the crime drama genre and adds mystery to the page along with the clouded main title of the film. I have added the date of release at the bottom of the page and added the same affect as the main title to it to give the page continuity. I have used the font Clarity Gothic for the main title and times new roman for the subtitle text. I will change the sub-title text in the final version of my poster. The billing block contains some names of the cast of the film trailer that could be used along with some usual names that are contained in the billing block. The billing block is currently in the font of Tennesee Heavy SF however i think that the font should be changed as it does not go well with the rest of the page.

Thursday 10 November 2011

Final title design

For the final title design i adapted it slightly making a slogan to go with the title that i felt would go well with the genre. The title and the slogan also fade between each other using a gradient.

Thursday 20 October 2011

Title Designs

Title creation designs All of the designs are created using the software Serif PagePlus X4.

The first design is a blue font colour with a gradient effect added to it so that the colours differ throughout the text. This was done using the transparency flyout tool.

This font is just a red font with a 3-D effect done by the Instant 3-D effect. The text can then moved from an anchor point which allows the user to change the angle the text is viewed at.

For this font I created white text with a white shadow around the text. I used the shadow tool to do this and then moved the shadow so it was directly behind the text and then made the shadow radius greater to achieve a bright glow.

In this title I added a grey background and then put black text on top of the background. I then used the 3-D effect to change the angle the title is viewed and added a transparency flyout to it creating a gradient.

Film Name font design

Font ideas for name of film

I have decided to call my film know as it suggests that something needs to be discovered or known which goes well with the crime drama genre.

Know- Andre Heavy SF

Know- Apple Boy BTN

Know- Lucida Handwriting

Know- Swiss721 BT

Know- Clarity Gothic SF

Know- Accord Light SF

Know- Amhurst SF

Know- MS Reference Sans

Know- Niagra Engraved

Know- Amelia BT

Know- Pagoda SF

Poster design

In my poster design i have used different aspects of the two film posters i have analysed and Incorporated them into my design for a film poster advertising a crime drama film.

Friday 23 September 2011

Poster Research 2

In this poster we can see that the title is placed around the bottom of the page this is the same as the movie poster Flawless. The billboard is situated below that. It contains names of some of the people who are involved with the film and also tells us what they did in the production of the film for example the director.
            The title has been placed at the bottom of the page so as not to interrupt the picture of the actor Johnny Depp’s body shot and the background city scene. The title is bold and stands out from the background, as the colours are vastly different to the background suit that the actor is wearing. This makes the title clear and easily visible to the reader. The words in the title are placed so that they don’t take up much horizontal place on the page, leaving the background alone.
            The text that appears on the lower part of the actors picture is shaped in a triangle. This is to keep the words on the Depp’s suit and not on the background as the colour of the text would clash with the colour of the background.
            In this poster the names of the actors are spread in order of importance in the film. Johnny Depp takes the leading role in this film as his name appears above both the title and the other actor’s names. This also allows the audience to relate the picture in the centre of the page with the name of the actor.
            The background city scene and the actor also tell us about the film. The poster tells us the rough era of the film as the background includes old cars, cobbled streets and old style lamps on the street along with a city scene with American flags this suggests that the film could be set in New York or Chicago. The image of the actor also tells us a lot about the era as he is wearing a waistcoat with a overcoat and a trilby hat. These are all items of clothing that you can see in 1930 style film. The weapon that the actor is holding in his right arm also shows us the time difference, as the weapon does not look like a modern equivalent.
            Unlike the Flawless poster the audience notices that on this poster the actor is not looking directly at the them unlike Michael Caine in the “Flawless” poster. This is typical in posters such as this because most action and crime posters containing actors on the poster are often seen to be looking to the left or the right of the page.
            In the background there is a slight fog, which adds mystery to the poster indicating to the audience that the man in the image is one of the villains in the film. This allows the audience to understand that the emphasis is crime in this film as the picture goes with the title “Public Enemies.” 
            This poster is much different to the Flawless poster as it indicates to the audience that this film contains violence because of the weapon in the poster. The other poster emphasises a clever way of stealing as it shows a vault of which combinations are usually broken in order to reach the money within them.  This shows me that when I am creating my crime drama poster that I make it very clear what type of film it is supposed to be representing. The poster also include elements of mystery about them. For example in Flawless the background is black and it includes subtext in the centre of the page that causes the audience to think were as the background city scene in Public Enemy is clouded with mist. 

Poster Research 1

            In this poster depicting the film flawless ( 2007 ) it shows that the background is black which adds a sense of suspicion especially when grouped with the rest of the poster. This is seen in the pictures of the two actors pictures. There facial expression in the pictures show the serious nature of the film as it is a crime drama.
            In terms of the images of the actors they have been merged with the background to blend the brightness of the images into the background this also has the effect of adding mystery to the characters as they are seen to be in a shadow partly. The image of the actors shows me that the lighting used when the photograph was taken would have been placed in the direction that the actors are looking however the glaze effect on there eyes suggests to me that the images would have been tweaked with photo editing software.
            The text that is on the poster is an easily readable font adding to the impact of the poster as the poster is not clustered with to many things that may distract the audiences attention and perhaps give them to much information in a relatively small space. The two texts of the title, Flawless and the actors names above the image of them, are the same font. This again reduces the amount of confusion on the poster as the title and actors are easily linked together. The titles and names are also related to the main image on the poster as they are the same colour as the diamond and vault. The text being coloured in a diamond style also supports the fact that the poster is about a crime drama as diamonds being a precious stone are related to the world of crime. The picture of the vault also supports this view as vaults are often used in different films as a storage for money that will be stolen later in the film often they make up large parts of a crime drama film.
            In the centre just below the images of the actors there is a small section of text which is small to attract the audience attention to that part of the page and also will attract the view for a larger period of time as it is a smaller section it is more difficult to read. It acts as a mysterious part of the page as it is used as a quote that will attract the audience as it relates to the film.

Media Brief A2

A2 Media Brief

For my Media A2 coursework I will be doing a promotion package for a new film, to include a teaser trailer, together with two options of which I have chosen to create a website homepage for the film and a poster for the film.
            The genre I have chosen is crime drama as it allows me to add many different types of shots to the trailer such as action shots and also incorporates a different type of dialogue to other films.