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Saturday, 31 March 2012

How did you use media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation stages.

In my initial stages of research I used the internet to get information about the task.  To gather information about the task I used the internet through use of search engines such as “google” to get good background knowledge of how film trailers are visually and musically presented. I used “YouTube” to analysis and research sources in order to discover the codes and conventions of crime drama film trailers. I have used the blog website blogger as the website in which my coursework was to be presented.
As part of my research I created a questionnaire which was created using the program “Microsoft “Microsoft Office Word 2010.” After I had received my questionnaires back I used the program “Microsoft Office Excel 2010” which was ideal as the program allows you to create graphs to represent your data which made my results much more easily analysed.
In the planning stage of my coursework I used a camera to take photos of my storyboards as at the time a scanner was not available for use. After I had taken the pictures of my storyboards I used an SD 512mb card to transfer the images over onto a PC. The images were then uploaded onto blogger using its image upload feature.
The main use of technology was in the construction stages of my portfolio. I used a Sony Handycam to film my trailer as I had good knowledge on how to use this piece of hardware due to my prior use of it to help film the BBC school news report for my school. After filming the footage I captured the footage onto “Adobe Premier Pro” software. The footage was exported onto the PC using a DV cable which captured directly into the software. Using “Premier” I then cut the pieces of footage I needed from the raw footage that had been filmed on the day of filming to create one piece of film that was used in the final creation of the trailer. The software uses different layers of audio and video tracks. My Music was taken from a copyright free CD. The track that I selected was then ripped onto the PC hard drive which allowed me to drag and drop the track onto the audio timeline in Premier. To create the titles within the trailer I used the new title feature in “Premier” which allowed me drop the titles onto the visual timeline which added them to my footage. Using the opacity tool on the timeline I was able to fade in, fade out and cross fade the different pieces of footage on the timeline. In the creation of my main title at the end of the trailer I used the software “Adobe After effects.” This footage allowed me to fade in titles and then use and effect on the title to allow the title to Scatter on screen.
To construct my ancillary tasks I used the software “Serif Page Plus X3” to create a Film Poster and a Film magazine front cover. Used many different tools within “Page Plus” to create my ancillary tasks such as a 3-d title on my front cover.  To create the film title that was used on the magazine and poster I used a gradient tool to change the colour of the title from black to white from the top of the text to the bottom.  For the image on the ancillary task I used a screenshot from footage that was filmed and add it to both ancillary tasks as the image worked well in a crime drama environment.

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