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Saturday 31 March 2012

In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

My product uses the elements of crime drama which of which the main element is usually mystery. Crime dramas have to be believable as they allow the audience to relate the story to their own situation. Such as where they live and what they do. My product uses mystery to attract the audience which is necessary for your product to be a success. The Murder of the husband in the trailer allows the audience to relate to this as everyone feels safe in their homes and my trailer plays on this as the murder takes place within the murdered husbands home.  Crime Dramas are often filmed from one side of the law e.g. police and villains. In my products case the attempt was to film it from the side of the detective.  Crime dramas are mainly a male genre which was visible from the research of the Flawless trailer in which Michael Caine is the main character and Demi Moore plays the supporting role. This is mainly seen in the Shawshank redemption trailer as the whole film is filled with male roles. This is seen in my trailer as the detective and villains are both represented by male actors. This male dominance in the genre was developed further in my trailer from use of the camera work. In the interview scene I used high angle shots on the female character to represent the weakness of the character as a widow would feel funerable after their husband had died.  I also used low angle shots on the detective in the scene to show his dominance in the scene.  I developed this further with the use of first person shots on the female character again in an attempt to show her funerability. This also adds suspense to the trailer.  Concerning the editing of the trailer I decided to use the technique of building up the action and then slowing it down again for the end of the trailer. This was used in the Flawless trailer and I felt that it would work well in my product as well as the pace quickens in the chase scene.  I felt that my product followed the codes and conventions of crime drama well in my trailer.
The titles in any trailer are used often to summarise what’s happening in the shots that appear on screen. I felt I used this technique well as I included different titles that represented what was happening on screen. I challenged this technique in the last two titles that appeared on screen as I wrote an emotional line in an attempt to attract an audience, “That will change” and “Everything.”
Overall I believe that I followed and developed many codes used in crime dramas such as mixing fast paced shots with slower scenes and fade outs and the representation of the female character and believe that I created a trailer that accurately showed a crime drama trailer.

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